Supporting the project in the name of those who were lost, and the few who survived.
To date, no complete listing of all those who served in RAF Photo Reconnaissance during WW2 has been collated. From the PDU in 1939, through 1-4 PRU during 1940 to 1942, and then all the subsidiary Squadrons between 1942 and 1945, around 1,500 men flew operational sorties in all theatres of war. Tragically so many of them did not return, their names only hidden deep in archive records, rarely spoken of or referred to.
Project AA810 looks to change this, to recognise all those who served both in the air and on the ground. Earlier this year the Project began to collate these names from hundreds of documents to ensure nobody is forgotten. The process will take some time to complete and we are very grateful to those historians who are helping with our research; it is hoped that by the summer of 2023 we will have collated and confirmed every individual. The developing list published below contains known names and fates of those operational crews we have identified so far who flew in WW2. On top of this, those who carried out the vital work of Photo Interpretation will be added this year so recognising the work of those on the ground.
With our long-term goal of commemorating, on a National Monument, all those who served now gaining momentum, we also want to honour those forgotten. Every single name listed here will be reproduced on the inside of the top cowling of AA810; every time Sandy's Spitfire flies their names will fly too.
The tragic losses are clear to see, and we hope that our followers will consider adopting the name of someone who served so they are not forgotten. Did you have a relative who flew with the unit? Do you share a name with somebody lost?
If you would like to take part in our campaign please review the list below and click on the button to adopt a name and remember those who served. Names already adopted are starred '*' in the 'Adopted Name' column. Names with a '+' are currently under research.
Surname | Forenames | Rank | Loss Details | Age | Nationality | Adopted Name * |
Abel | Roy Frederick | P/o | 27.03.41 | 20 | UK | |
Acott DFC | William Ronald | F/o | UK | |||
Adams + | C P | F/Sgt | ||||
Adcock | Douglas | F/Lt | KIA 11.08.44 | 30 | UK | |
Adlam | Frank Percival | F/Lt | Returning from Ops 21.03.45 | 29 | NZ | |
Ainley | Frederick Redfearn | F/o | KIA 29.03.41 | 26 | UK | |
Ainsworth | Eric | F/Lt | UK | |||
Aitken | James Mcginn | F/Sgt | MIA 21.01.44 | 21 | UK | |
Alexander | Gordon Redvers Mitchell | F/Sgt | KIFA 22.02.42 | 20 | UK | |
Allchin | James Cecil Alcuin | Sgt | MIA 08.11.41 | 21 | UK | |
Allen | Basil Kingsley | P/o | POW 02.04.42 | n/a | UK | |
Allen + | Anthony Michael (Michael?) | ? | ||||
Allenton + | M C | F/Lt | ? | |||
Allinson | William Alfred | F/Lt | UK | |||
Amos | Norman Newell | P/o | POW 08.11.42 | n/a | Australia | |
Amos + | C D | Sgt | ? | |||
Amos + | J | W/o | ? | |||
Anderson | Alexander Barr | P/o | POW 12.01.43 | n/a | UK | |
Anderson | William Edward | Sgt | MIA 18.03.42 | 22 | Australia | |
Anderson + | L A | ? | ||||
Anderson DFC and Bar | Murray Crichton Bell | F/Lt | UK | |||
Andre De La Porte | Pieter Cornelis | Lt | KIA 24.08.44 | Netherlands | ||
Andrews DFC | Clifford Grainger | S/Ldr | NZ | |||
Appleby BEM | Arthur William | F/Lt | Canada | |||
Ardley | Guy Harrington | P/o | KIA 14.09.44 | 23 | UK | |
Arkell + | R D G | P/o | ? | |||
Arkle | James | Sgt | Killed 20.05.43 | 21 | UK | |
Armstrong | Gordon Wood | UK | ||||
Armstrong DFC | Rae Daly | F/Lt | UK | |||
Arnold DFC | Charles Keever | F/Lt | USA | |||
Arnold DFC | Keith Fergus | F/Lt | Killed 25.07.41 | 30 | Canada | |
Arthur + | Sgt | ? | ||||
Ashby | Henry Herbert | F/Sgt | KIA 15.07.44 | 21 | UK | |
Ashton | Arnold | F/Sgt | Killed 19.03.45 | 21 | UK | |
Askew | George Douglas | F/o | MIA 11.08.44 | 21 | UK | |
Assheton DFC | William Radclyffe | S/Ldr | UK | |||
Astin | John Kenneth | F/Lt | UK | |||
Aston DFC | William George | S/Ldr | POW 29.01.44 | n/a | UK | |
Atkinson DFC | Ronald William | S/Ldr | Killed 14.08.44 | 25 | UK | |
Austin | James | Sgt | KIA 25.09.42 | 26 | Australia | |
Aviss | Roger Melville St John | F/o | UK | |||
Ayer | John Butler | F/o | MIA 10.04.42 | 21 | USA | |
Ayres DFC | Robert William | F/Lt | MIA 25.05.41 | 20 | UK | |
Bacon | Edward Gordon | P/o | UK | |||
Bailey | Royston Stanley | F/o | UK | |||
Bain | William Bruce | P/o | MIA 23.10.42 | 28 | UK | |
Baird | Sexton Ivan | S/Ldr | NZ | |||
Baird + | D F | F/o | ? | |||
Baker | Frank Ernest | F/Sgt | KIA 05.06.44 | ? | ? | |
Baker + | C | ? | ||||
Baker + | Lesley Bernard | W/o | UK | |||
Ball | Thomas Humphrey | W/o | POW 12.04.42 | n/a | UK | |
Ball KCB DSO DFC | Alfred Henry Wynne | AM | UK | |||
Bamber MBE | Dennis Patrick | S/Ldr | UK | |||
Banning + | F/Lt | ? | ||||
Bannister DFC | Walter George | W/o | UK | |||
Bantichain + | P/o | MIA 17.08.42 | ? | |||
Barber | Anthony Perrinott Lysberg | F/o | POW | n/a | UK | |
Barber | Charles Bertram | P/o | MIA 24.04.42 | 22 | UK | |
Barbour | David William | F/Lt | Australia | |||
Barents | Rodney John | P/o | UK | |||
Barker | Roy | F/Lt | ? | |||
Barnes | Peter Earle | S/Ldr | UK | |||
Barnett | Redmond Lewis | F/o | MIA 13.02.43 | 26 | USA | |
Barraclough | Ian Gurth | P/o | POW 16.09.42 | n/a | Borneo | |
Barrett | Harry | W/o | ? | |||
Barron DFM | Alexander | F/o | UK | |||
Bartley | Maxwell Logan | F/Sgt | KIA 04.01.44 | 23 | NZ | |
Barwick | Victor John | F/Sgt | UK | |||
Batchelor | Harold Bernard | F/Sgt | MIA 24.11.41 | 32 | UK | |
Bateman DFM | Shawn Cato | F/Sgt | UK | |||
Batenburg DFC | Raymond | F/Lt | NZ | |||
Baudar | Maurice L J | F/o | Belgium | |||
Baum | Francis William | Sgt | POW 15.06.42 | n/a | UK | |
Baxter DFC | Ronald Edmund | W/Cdr | UK | |||
Bayley DFC | Keith Hamilton | F/o | UK | |||
Baylis AFM CdeG | Francis Joseph | W/o | UK | |||
Bedford | Thomas | LAC | Killed in take off accident 30.03.43 | 28 | UK | |
Beecroft | Brian Denis | Sgt | POW 29.07.41 | n/a | UK | |
Bell | Ernest George | P/o | Killed 19.06.45 | 25 | UK | |
Bell | Thomas | F/Lt | MIA 22.04.45 | 22 | Canada | |
Bellerby DFC | Gordon | F/Lt | UK | |||
Bendixson DFC | John | F/Lt | Canada | |||
Bennett | Walter Edwin | G/C | Canada | |||
Bennett DFC | Denis Barberry | W/Cdr | UK | |||
Bennions | George Herman | P/o | UK | |||
Benson | Albert Hazlehurst | W/o | UK | |||
Benson + | Jack | F/Sgt | ? | |||
Benton | John Hudson | F/o | Killed 11.07.43 | 29 | Canada | |
Beresford DSO DFC & Bar | Tristram | G/C | UK | |||
Biddle + | H | Sgt | ? | |||
Bidgoo | Maurice Alfred | Sgt | MIA 10.01.43 | 30 | UK | |
Bilton | Peter Richard | P/o | UK | |||
Bird | John Stanbridge | F/o | MIA 16.10.42 | 23 | Canada | |
Bishop DFC | John Gordon | F/Lt Act | UK | |||
Black + | F/Lt | ? | ||||
Blackwell | Charles Frederick | F/o | UK | |||
Blackwood BEM | Francis John | P/o | MIA 02.06.42 | 28 | NZ | |
Blagg | John | F/o | UK | |||
Blair | Colin Campbell | F/o | MIA 01.09.41 | 26 | UK | |
Blashell? + | A G | P/o | ? | |||
Blatchford DFC | Howard Peter | F/o | MIA 03.05.43 | 31 | Canada | |
Blight | Peter Harden Guyen | F/Lt | MIA 05.02.44 | 24 | Australia | |
Bloomfield | Geoffrey John | F/o | KIA 27.10.44 | 22 | UK | |
Blount DFC | John Hubert Lempriere | F/o | POW 09.04.41 | n/a | UK | |
Blyth DSO DFC | Richard Lionel Cyril | P/o | UK | |||
Boardman | Scott Reginald | F/o | UK | |||
Bodey + | F A | W/o | ? | |||
Bollen | Lewis Cecil Theodore | Sgt | KIA 23.05.41 | 30 | UK | |
Bolton | Montaque Harry Slade | F/Sgt | KIA 26.06.41 | UK | ||
Bone | Clarence Elliott | F/o | Australia | |||
Bonnar DFC AFC | Norman John | P/o | Killed in testing 04.07.44 | 29 | UK | |
Bools | Geoffrey M | Sgt | KIA 10.12.43 | UK | ||
Booth | Kenneth Stanley | F/o | KIFA 22.02.42 | 27 | UK | |
Booth DFC | John Gifford | F/Lt | UK | |||
Booth DFM DFC | Kenneth Robert | F/Lt | UK | |||
Boothman DFC | John Nelson | A/Cdre | UK | |||
Borrett | George Leonard | F/o | UK | |||
Bottome | Nigel Leatham | S/Ldr | UK | |||
Boughton | Terence Beville Adair | F/Lt | UK | |||
Bourne DFC AFC | Ian Desmond | P/o | POW 25.4.42 | n/a | Trinidad | |
Bowden | William Thomas Edward | F/Lt | UK | |||
Bowen DFC | Richard Ian Mallafont | W/Cdr | UK | |||
Bowes | John Foster Lyon | UK | ||||
Bowes | Samuel | P/o | MIA 30.06.41 | 25 | UK | |
Bowyer | Edward Blackwell | F/o | UK | |||
Boyd | Ernest George Gordon | P/o | POW 15.05.44 | n/a | UK | |
Boyd | Kenneth Leslie | W/o | MIA 21.08.44 | 24 | NZ | |
Boyd | Victor Leslie | W/o | KIA 04.05.43 | 22 | Canada | |
Boyes | Arthur Singleton | F/Lt | KIA 25.04.44 | 24 | Brazil | |
Boys-Stones | John Boys | F/o | KIA 07.03.41 | 22 | UK | |
Brace | Arthur Henry | F/o | UK | |||
Brachi | Basil John | F/Lt | MIA 29.01.44 | 22 | UK | |
Bracken DFC | William James | F/o | Canada | |||
Bradford DFC | John William | F/o | Canada | |||
Bradley + | F S | P/o | ||||
Branton | Leonard | Sgt | Killed in accident 27.04.42 | 26 | UK | |
Braun | Edward Charles | F/o | Killed in accident 19.02.44 | 30 | UK | |
Bray + | Keith Oliver | P/o | MIA 26.09.43 | UK | ||
Brearley DFC | Peter Geoffrey | F/o | UK | |||
Brennan | Charles Arthur | F/Lt | MIA 09.11.42 | 26 | Canada | |
Brennan | Francis James | AC1 | Died 25.11.44 | 23 | UK | |
Brett | Edward Samuel John | Cpl | KIA 30.07.42 | 21 | UK | |
Brew DFC | James Robert | F/o | Killed in testing 11.10.44 | 24 | UK | |
Brewis | Alan Geoffrey | F/o | KIA 08.09.44 | 29 | UK | |
Bridle + | H | F/Sgt | ? | |||
Briggs | Leonard | Sgt | MIA 02.12.41 | 21 | UK | |
Bright AFC | Edgar Buhner | W/Cdr | UK | |||
Brindle | Henry Alec | W/o | MIA 13.02.43 | 28 | South Africa | |
Brister + | AC1 | ? | ||||
Brocklehurst | Philip James Robert | F/o | MIA 19.05.44 | UK | ||
Brooks | William Gwynfryn | F/o | KIA 03.03.45 | 27 | UK | |
Brooks + | 'Jacky' | F/Lt | ? | |||
Broome | Charles George | P/o | KIA 26.10.40 | 22 | UK | |
Brown | Edwin Hanlon | F/o | KIA 05.05.43 | 25 | Australia | |
Brown | Francis David Colin | W/o | NZ | |||
Brown | Maurice Peter | S/Ldr | UK | |||
Brown + | C T | P/o | ? | |||
Brown + | D B | F/o | ||||
Brown + | Roland Kenneth | Sgt | NZ | |||
Brown + | W E | W/o | NZ | |||
Brown + | W W | Sgt | ? | |||
Brown DFC | Anthony Malcolm | F/Lt | POW 02.10.41 | n/a | UK | |
Brown DFC & Bar | Malcolm George | S/Ldr | Canada | |||
Brown DFM | Maurice Alan Collingbourne | Sgt | UK | |||
Browne DFC | John Patrick Joseph | F/o | ? | |||
Bruckshaw | William Michael | F/o | UK | |||
Brumwell | William | Aircraftman | Killed 19.04.43 | 34 | UK | |
Bryson + | Sgt | ? | ||||
Buchanan DFC | Roy Currie | P/o | NZ | |||
Buckingham | Henry Francis | F/Sgt | MIA 25.02.44 | 22 | UK | |
Buckmaster + | F/Sgt | ? | ||||
Buckner + | Sgt | ? | ||||
Bullimore | Philip | F/Sgt | KIA 02.09.44 | 22 | UK | |
Bunson + | A H | W/o | ? | |||
Burdett DFC | Thomas Henry | F/o | UK | |||
Burfield DFC | Norman Milton | F/Lt | Australia | |||
Burgess | John Henry Bateman | P/o | POW 25.11.42 | n/a | UK | |
Burgess | Joseph Thomas | F/o | MIA 09.11.40 | Canada | ||
Burley | Frederick Arthur | W/o | UK | |||
Burnet | Jack Bruce | F/Lt | MIA 02.10.43 | 27 | NZ | |
Burniat DFC | Paul Ghislain | F/o | Belgium | |||
Burns + | R | F/o | ? | |||
Burrows + | S/Ldr | ? | ||||
Burrows + | J C | F/Sgt | ? | |||
Burtis | Samual Gordon | P/o | USA | |||
Burton | Arnold | Aircraftman | Killed 11.02.45 | 20 | UK | |
Burton | Charles Donald | F/o | UK | |||
Burton DFC OBE | Frederick Elgar | W/Cdr | UK | |||
Bury | Ronald Stancliffe | LAC | Killed 05.11.44 | 22 | UK | |
Busbridge | George Norcott | P/o | MIA 10.09.41 | 26 | UK | |
Butcher | John Ambrose | LAC | Killed in friendly fire 03.03.40 | 26 | UK | |
Butler | Eric Henry John | LAC | Killed 27.06.45 | ? | UK | |
Butler + | K A | F/o | ? | |||
Butler + | P H | P/o | ? | |||
Butt DFC | Charles Thomas | F/Lt | UK | |||
Butterworth + | Cyril | W/o | UK | |||
Caiston? DFC + | C A | F/o | ? | |||
Calnan | Thomas Daniel | W/Cdr | POW | n/a | UK | |
Cameron | Phillip Greig | F/Lt | MIA 09.02.45 | 31 | Australia | |